Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Feelin' So Fresh

1) Blue blazer + Button up.
2) My girls! Rockin' the flowy shirts!
3) DIY photo decoration.
4) The FABULOUS Mac Miller concert at the Chaifetz Arena
5) Prom!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring is in the air.

1. New black crochet toms. Last pair in stock :)
2. Flowers in my hair. Excited for spring!
3. New sunglasses.
4. Sisterly love!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


1. Mustache ice sculpture in the Loop.
2. Floral bag. Jason Wu by target. It was a pain to get this, but totally worth it!
3. Me and my best friend Curtis!
4. Me and Morgan chillin in class.



Oversized blouse
$38 - nastygal.com

Cutoff shorts

Christian louboutin shoes
$845 - shopsavannahs.com

H M sheer shawl
£7.99 - hm.com

Sunday, January 8, 2012


These pictures were taken while my family and I were in Georgia. 
Those shoes are my absolute favorite! 
I can't wait for summer when I get to wear them with cute summery dresses!

Photos copyright Katy Owens

Saturday, December 24, 2011

DIY - Christmas Gift

Yes, yes yes, I know, two posts in one day. But Christmas is one of those times when people tend to spend a lot of money on gifts. I made several of these pairs of feather earrings for almost no money. I made the earrings using wire, feathers, and beads. I packaged them in old Altoid tins.

Photos courtesy of Katy Owens.


1. Rosebud Salve and Sweet Honeysuckle candle.
2. Vintage bottles on my window sill.
3. My eye, lashes are coated with L'oréal Telescopic Explosion mascara.
4. Shoes on vintage wooden shelves.
5. Old typewriter that was previously owned by my grandmother.